Swap your motorcycle to an electric ride, today!!


The story of SWEPP begins with two young entrepreneurs, Melchizedek and Alvin, who shared a common vision of transforming urban transportation and creating a sustainable future.

Growing up in Nairobi, they witnessed firsthand the challenges posed by traffic congestion, air pollution, and the limited availability of affordable transportation options.

Inspired by their passion for technology and environmental conservation, Melchizedek and Alvin set out on a mission to revolutionize mobility in their city.

Why electric?

Clean, Sustainable Riding

Reduce your carbon footprint with zero emissions and contribute to a cleaner planet.


Save on fuel costs and enjoy reduced maintenance expenses compared to traditional motorcycles.

High Performance

Powerful motor, impressive torque, and a smooth, exhilarating ride.

Easy Installation

Installing our electric motorcycle kit is a straightforward process that can be completed by both experienced DIY enthusiasts and professional technicians. Our step-by-step instructions, along with detailed videos and images, will guide you through the conversion process.

Join the electric revolution and embrace the future of transportation.

Browse our website to explore the features and specifications of our SWEPP Kit. Transform your motorcycle into an eco-friendly powerhouse today!